Scott Petersen (the Reptile Man) 425.750.6660
April Jackson (the Reptile Man's daughter) 425.263-2368
The REPTILE MAN from Monroe, WA
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Show Description
The Reptile Man presents live animal demonstrations all over the Pacific Northwest. The show portion of the service he provides runs about 30-40 minutes in which he talks about 8 to 12 reptiles from all over the world. All of the venomous species have been surgically devenomized, meaning that they pose no serious risk of injury to anyone. After the show the adults and kids will have the opportunity to handle or touch between 3 and 4 of the animals for another 10 to 15 minutes (the whole event lasts about 45 minutes to an hour).
Show is educational and entertaining for ages 3 and up.
Show will be shortened if needed for younger age groups.
Calling is the easiest way to get a hold of Scott (the Reptile Man). His phone number is (425) 750-6660.
Currently Scott's daughter April Jackson is also doing reptile shows. You can book with her by calling (425) 263-2368.